Growlab 80 - Advantages of Using a Dedicated Growing Tent Indoors

There are advantages to giving your plants a dedicated space for growing indoors. One advantage is light control. If you have a large south facing window, you will not need to worry about the plants getting enough light in the winter. However, many are not so lucky. With a Growlab 80, you can enclose your plants in a reflective tent and turn on the light. The light will bounce off the sides of the tent and give the plant leaves a good balance of light. You can also put the light on a timer and keep any ambient light from disrupting your plants' dark time.

Another advantage is humidity control. Many plants love humid conditions. The moisture in the air provides a secondary source of water. The heat that accompanies humidity is also a welcome element. However, you do not want so much humidity that the moisture pools up on your plants. That excess moisture can lead to problems with disease. With a Growlab 80, that humidity is inside the tent. Therefore, you will not need to deal with excess moisture outside the grow space. Moreover, it will allow you to give your plants the humid conditions they love.

A third advantage is pest and disease control. In an enclosed space like a Growlab 80, your plants have an additional layer of protection. While you cannot keep every pest or disease out, you have a better chance of controlling the unwanted things. With the built in ventilation and cooling attachments, you can keep the plants healthy and keep the chance of an infestation to a minimum. With an enclosed space, you can also spot these issues before they infest the rest of your indoor gardening space. As you can see, these advantages help you keep your plants going strong even in the winter time.

A final advantage is clean-up. With the Growlab 80, you have a completely waterproof bottom. That means that any spilled water will stay inside the enclosure. Your floors are safe. It also captures any leaf drop or other debris that comes from the plants above. For anyone trying to grow a garden indoors, the mess can be too much to handle. Leaves can get everywhere. Moreover, who wants to risk their floors to spilled water or chemicals? With a complete enclosure, those are not problems. You can do quite well with a full enclosure for your garden.

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