Gardening Can Be Fun for Kids!

Gardening is a wonderful hobby for all ages, and all levels of growing skills. One does not have to possess a green thumb to be able to grow a small tomato plant in the backyard. It just takes some patience and diligence. In many ways, children are the same way. There is no magic method to raise children, it just takes a lot of patience and a willingness to learn as you go along. Sharing your interests and passions with children can be an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Since children are naturally inquisitive, bringing them out to the garden with you can be fun. You can point to different plants and talk about it as you weed or water. Kids love to get mud on their hands, and they like to feel involved, so you can just hand over the hose or water pitcher and let them water away as you watch.

Another way you can share your love for gardening is to give them a part of the garden to look over. This will not only make them feel important, but also teach them responsibility. Take the kids to the local hardware store (or anyplace that sells seeds) and let them pick out the plants they want to help grow. You can give them a small plot of dirt in your garden to watch over. Let them dig holes and place the seeds in. You can all chart the growth progress, and watch those seeds become small plants together!

Fun projects are another way to generate interest in gardening. One method is to take a white carnation, cut the stem in half all the way to the flower (but leave the flower intact). Place the stems in two different jars that have different food color in them. You will have a flower that is two different colors. Kids will love seeing that plants take in water through the stems.

When choosing flowers to grow with the kids, make sure they are the kinds that grow quickly. Children have short attention spans, and we can choose plants that are fun to watch as they grow. Cherry tomatoes, strawberries, and sunflowers are all great choices. Cherry tomatoes grow in roughly two months. Sunflowers sprout in a week. Not only that, but the seeds from the flowers can be roasted for snacks, and cherry tomatoes can be washed and eaten right away!

Gardening is a fun, relaxing, and enjoyable hobby. It's a great way to get in some sun, and to release some steam in a healthy way. For children, it can be a productive way to spend their time, and learn new and interesting things about the world around them.

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